Friday, September 7, 2012

The simple things in life.

     So I was trying to think of the proverbial "glass half full" and started thinking about all simple things that make me happy. Maybe we should take a moment to slow down and appreciate what we do have instead of constently worrying about what we lack.
     Who are we really trying to impress? Who created the standards of living? Why should we have to do anything? Would the high of buying that new car last longer than it takes to pay it off?

My list of  "The Simple Things in Life"

1. Taking a minute to just lay down and rest after a hard days work. Just a few moments to relax and chill out. Something about the feeling of my back relaxing and just forgetting about everything. Being safe at home and happy that another day of work has ended.

2. Seeing my kids smile when I finally come out of the room and I am ready for their hugs and tales of the day. That's our deal. They give me my down time after work and I give them their time when I get up.

3. Taking a hot shower. Try taking a cold one. If your not thanking someone you should be.

4. Waking up early on the weekend knowing you don't have to work.

5. Enjoying the time alone before everyone wakes up and the day starts.

6. Air conditioning. Especially during the summer here in Kuwait.

7. Daily phone calls to my mom. She traveled to the States last night and I have no one to talk to.
That's probably the reason why I'm here lol

8. Rain and Thunderstorms. We don't have much rain in Kuwait. Talk about "not knowing what you have until it's gone".

9. Knowing I can depend on my family. If you can't depend on yours maybe they can depend on you and that's even more satisfying.

10. Realizing I can not control everything in my life. I finally threw up my hands and decided this is the life I was meant to live. GOD will always provide and he will never give me more than I can handle. When it's bad.....and life can get really bad....I know it will get better.

11. Silencing the nasty voice in my head that just makes me feel like crap. Don't compare yourself to those who have more. Compare yourself to those who have less and see if you're not a little more grateful for every grain of rice or slice of bread you have.

12. Enjoying work. I know what they mean when they say "If you do something you love you'll never work a day in your life." By the way....I'm a teacher.

     These are just a few simple things that make me happy. Feel free to tell me yours. I didn't even get to the really good ones like crisp sheets and the smell of clean clothes lol I'm sure you can add a few.

You know the "glass" I was talking about. It's full. Half air & Half water.
'Til Next Time......